Friday, February 1, 2008

President’s Letter, February 2008

As this is my first letter as President of SLA Southern California, I must look back at 18 months of being President-elect, overseeing the chapter’s programs, and the many individuals who helped our chapter assemble a diverse and vibrant schedule of events.

First, I must thank Sue Brewsaugh, who oversees the chapter’s elections for this year and who enabled the chapter to partake in a variety of virtual programming via Click University’s replays. From seminars on data mining to taxonomy technologies, Sue shared these replays at no cost to the chapter and provided the opportunity for all of us to enhance our skills and knowledge.

A number of area lunches and tours were held throughout our chapter’s broad geographic region, and my gratitude goes to the following individuals for staging these events, often in the middle of their very busy workdays:
  • Debbie Hartzman for the lunch in Agoura
  • Patty Turner for the lunch & tour of Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) in Redlands
  • Stacey McKeever for the lunch in Century City
  • Belinda Beardt for the lunch in Burbank
  • Kathleen Smith for the lunch & tour of the California School of Culinary Arts in Pasadena
  • Marcia Schmitz for the lunch & tour of the University of California’s Southern Regional Library Facility in Westwood
  • Cameron Trowbridge for the lunch and tours of the Getty Research Library & Getty Conservation Institute Information Center in Brentwood, that we held jointly with SLA San Diego thanks to Linda Counts
  • Darrell Shiplett for the lunch and tour of Edwards Air Force Base & Libraries
  • Kazue McGregor and Belinda Beardt for the downtown lunch and tour of the Disney Concert Hall Music Library
  • Emi Yoshida-Bevacqua for the lunch and tour of Yahoo! Music in Santa Monica
  • Ann Shea for the lunch & tour of the California African American Museum in Exposition Park
  • Doris Helfer and Belinda Beardt for the lunch & tour of the Oviatt Library at Cal State University, Northridge
During this time period we were also lucky to host key members of SLA’s leadership, including 2006-07 SLA President, Rebecca Vargha (thanks to the efforts of Alan Schroeder), SLA CEO, Janice Lachance, and SLA President in 2008, Stephen Abram.

Chapter programs were led by speakers who gave us a new understanding of topics relevant to many segments of our profession. These programs also had many individuals in the background making sure event logistics were well-handled.
For all of their work, I would like to thank …
  • Vicky McCargar, who presented on the topic of digital preservation in “Night of the Living Dead … Data.” Assistance with this program was generously provided by Justin Scott
  • Kim Dority for presenting “Building a Resilient LIS Career,” and members of the UCLA Student Chapter who helped organize and stage the event
  • Lori Flinn for presenting “Designing Unforgettable Training”
  • Ron Rodrigues for presenting the Dialog Quantum 2 Seminar on “Negotiation Skills for Information Professionals”
  • Christian Gray, Mike Reid, and Josh Walters for presenting on a panel for “Living Linked – A Social Networking Conference,” and for the program keynote, Janice Lachance. Assistance with this program was generously provided by Sue Brewsaugh, as well as, Wayne Wilson, and his staff, who helped the chapter stage the event at the lovely Amateur Athletic Foundation
  • Sara Tompson, Stephen Abram, Amy Wegener, and Claude Zachary for presenting on a panel for “Charting the Future of Libraries,” a professional development program at USC. Stephen also keynoted the evening portion of the program. This program succeeded because of the efforts of the USC library community, especially Sara Tompson and Shahla Bahavar. A special note of thanks goes to the USC Dean of Libraries, Catherine Quinlan, who generously supported the program’s afternoon refreshments
Finally, I would like to thank my colleagues with the Los Angeles Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (LACASIS), especially Aura Lippincott, Christina Salazar, Bo-Gay Tong Salvador, and Shahla Bahavar, for their help in organizing our holiday dinners and other joint programming including “Charting the Future of Libraries.”

SLA and the Southern California Chapter will continue to bring you high quality, skills-enhancing programming and more resources to help you develop professionally. And as members, you need to become more involved in making this happen. So contact me any time to see how you can become more involved with SLA Southern California.


David Cappoli