Monday, May 23, 2011
Meet and greet at Geezer's in Santa Fe Springs on June 02, about 6:30pm
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Professional Development Day wrap-up.
Thanks Graeme!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Webinar on Library Benchmarking on Monday, June 27, 2011, at 10:00 am
The Southern California Chapter, in cooperation with the Boeing Corporation, will host a webinar on Library Benchmarking on Monday, June 27, 2011,
at 10:00 am, Pacific Daylight Time.
Insights From the Field: Corporate Library Benchmarking
The study benchmarked leading corporate libraries to develop key metrics and trends for the delivery of library services. Hear about the insights and outcomes from managers and directors in 40+ corporate libraries. How does your library compare:
--How is your budget divided? Do you spend more on labor or content? What is the split between print and electronic materials?
--What is the average cost per user?
--How many users do a typical corporate librarian support?
--What are the major trends in corporate libraries?
Our Speaker Martha Haswell has worked since 2002 as a senior research analyst for Best Practices, LLC, a world leader in benchmarking research. She has led benchmarking projects for library, human resources, marketing, sales and other functions at leading companies including Boeing, Pfizer, American Express, Philips Medical and AstraZeneca.
Martha previously worked as a corporate librarian and has 15 years experience in corporate libraries in the publishing and telecommunications industries. She holds an MS in Information Science and a BA in Journalism and Mass Communications, both from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Cost: no charge to SLA members, students/retired/unemployed; however, we are accepting donations to the Sternheim Scholarship Fund.
This will be both a virtual and in-person meeting.
You have two ways you could attend
(1) You can attend an Audio/Webex conference
Dial-in: 1-888-854-9758 (US)
Additional Dial-in: 1-214-765-0446 (US)
Participant passcode: 785 634 9
WebEx site: https://boeing.webex.com
Meeting number: 890 048 713
Meeting password: benchmark
Join meeting as Attendee: https://boeing.webex.com/boeing/j.php?ED=104180407&UID=0
You could send questions over the telephone or webex.
(2) You could attend in-person at Boeing Cypress
10800 Valley View
Cypress, CA 90630-5016
Here’s a map to Boeing Cypress
The presenter, Martha will not be present in Cypress, however, doughnuts will be provided by the chapter.
If you wish to participate, please send an RSVP to Bill Lee at mmlee1@flash.net.
Please send an RSVP even if you are dialing in, as we need an approximate count for the webex lines.