Sunday, September 7, 2008

From the Archives ... June 1974

With SLA celebrating its centennial in 2009, the Southern California Chapter will periodically feature historical material from its 70+ years worth of archives.

SLA, Southern California Chapter, San Fernando Valley Luncheon Meeting, June 26, 1974 -- Lockheed DIALOG On-line Retrieval System Demonstration. Operating the CRT terminal and printer is Susanne Reed, Chief Literature Searcher, and explaining the operation is Stan Elman, Chief Librarian, both of Lockheed-California C., Burbank. Looking on in background, in dark suit, is Dr. Horace Jacobs, Mgr., Technical Information Center, Lockheed-California Co., and in foreground, with back to camera, is Herb Sclar, UPDATA Publications, Inc., Santa Monica -- Southern California representative for Lockheed's DIALOG system. And on the far right, in the print dress, is Shirley Tanaka.


Anonymous said...

Ah Dialog. There are so many search systems and databases, but I think Dialog will always be my favorite.

David Cappoli said...

Whenever given the chance, I still teach the Dialog command line interface to our students at UCLA because they need to know what goes on underneath the hood of any search engine. As information professionals, they need to understand that those search results don't just appear by some magic.