Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gloria Zamora's Southern California Travelogue

SLA President-Elect Gloria Zamora spoke at the Southern California Chapter's Karen Sternheim Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser on October 4th and continued her visit to the L.A. area on Monday, October 6th, with a tour of libraries and information centers along the San Diego Freeway corridor. The following series of photos are from Gloria's visit:

At Aerospace Corporation with, L-R, David Cappoli, Joyce Hardy, and Pat Green - Photo by Eric Hamburg of Aerospace Corp.

Speaking to students at UCLA.

With the UCLA SLA Student Chapter officers, L-R, Hlly Fisher, Sheila MacDowell, and Charlie Walmann.

With Cameron Trowbridge at the Getty Conservation Institute Information Center.

At the Getty Research Institute with Susan Allen and Cameron Trowbridge.

Wrapping up the day at the Second City Bistro in El Segundo.