Thursday, October 15, 2009

Karen Sternheim Scholarship Fundraiser

The success of our fundraiser would not have been made possible without the help and generosity of the following volunteers and donors:

Scholarship Committee:
Rita Costello
Keith Gurtzweiler
Peter Johnson, Chair
Victoria McCargar

Fundraiser Committee:
Barbara Amago
Teresa Bailey
Belinda Beardt
Susan Eubank, Host
William Lee
Christina Mayberry
Elizabeth Sheehan
Brett VanBenschoten, MC

Corporate Donors:
Library Associates Companies and AIM Library & Information Staffing

Raffle Prizes and Silent Auction Donors:
Laurie Allen, Teresa Bailey, Belinda Beardt, David Cappoli, Frances Chu, Ann Coppin, Jeanie Frasier, Debbie Hartzman, Doris Small Helfer, Peter Johnson, Ann Shea, Allison Schulte and Sara Tompson.

A special "thank you" to our lovely host, Susan C. Eubank, raffle ticket seller, Gary Johnson, entertaining MC, Brett VanBenschoten and photographer, Sara Tompson.

Thank you all! We appreciate your support.

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