Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Congratulations to our new 2010 Executive Board and Award Winners

2010 Executive Board Leaders:
President-Belinda Beardt
President Elect-Robin Dodge
Past President-Teresa Bailey
Treasurer-Bill Lee
Secretary-Drea Douglas
Director at Large-Holly Lutkenhouse
Communications Director-Jackie Prentice

Chapter Awards:
Billie Connor Award: Susan Hendrickson

Meritorious Service Awards: Eric Bryan, David Cappoli, Peter Johnson, Brad Rogers, Sara Tompson and Josh Walters

Certificate of Appreciation Awards:
Robin Dodge
Susan Eubank
Jill Foreman
Christian Gray
William Holmes
Peter Johnson
Hema Ramachandran
Ann Shea
Chris Sneider
Charlotte Wixx-Daniel

Past Presidents in attendance who received a rose in celebration of the SLA Centennial:
2008 - David Cappoli
2004-2005 - Jay Springer
2001-2002 - Kathleen Smith
2000-2001 - Debbie Hartzman
1999-2000 - Jean Crampon
1998-1999 and 1991-1992 - Billie Connor
1997-1998 - Sharon McNeil
1995-1996 - Katherine Richards
1994-1995 - Dorothy McGarry
1993-1994 - Gay Toltl Kinman
1992-1993 - John Shea
1990-1991 - Doris Small Helfer
1989-1990 - Robert Bellanti
1985-1986 - Ann Wiedel Shea

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