Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Nominations Open for Chapter Exec Board

Starting July 18 through September 16, your SLA Southern California Chapter is accepting nominations for the following Executive Board offices to serve in 2012:
* President-Elect
* Secretary
* Communications Director
* Director-at-Large

Take this opportunity for career advancement by developing your leadership skills; connecting with new and old friends; and, helping guide SLA into its next century. Office overviews are below along with links to the more comprehensive office descriptions available on the Chapter Practices. You may nominate others or yourself.
To nominate an individual, send a message to this year’s Nominations & Elections Committee members, Teresa Bailey teresa.r.bailey@jpl.nasa.gov or Sara Tompson sarat@usc.edu .

Nominees will be expected to provide a review of past service to SLA and other professional organizations, as well as a statement on why they are running for a Chapter office.

Please note: The final slate of candidates is determined by the Nominations & Elections Committee in consultation with the Executive Board. Nominations do not guarantee a place on the slate of candidates.

SLA Southern California Chapter’s Organizational Structure -


President-Elect (currently held by Bill Lee): The President-Elect oversees Chapter programming during his/her term, and coordinates activities with the Chapter's Professional Development Program Chair and the Sternheim Scholarship Fundraiser Chair so as not to have conflicting programs for proposed event dates. The President-Elect also works with the Vendor Relations Chair who may be able to identify vendors to provide financial support for programs. The President-Elect is expected to participate in SLA’s Leadership Development Institute held each January and the annual conference held every June. The Chapter provides supplemental funding to help defray travel costs for the President-Elect to both the winter meeting and the conference.
Complete office description - http://wiki.sla.org/display/SLASCC/President-Elect

Secretary (currently held by Drea Douglas): The Secretary serves as a member of the Executive Board, and records and distributes minutes of the Chapter's business meetings, including the annual business meeting. Minutes are a record of the proceedings of a meeting. They should contain a record of actions taken at the meeting. Minutes are to be kept not only for the annual business meeting, but also for all Executive Board and Advisory Board meetings of the Chapter
Complete office description - http://wiki.sla.org/display/SLASCC/Secretary

Communications Director (currently held by Lesley Farmer): The Communications Director oversees the work of the Web Site Administrator, the Discussion List Administrator, who is responsible for the Chapter's discussion list, the Calendar Editor, the Blog - Newsletter Editor, and the Jobs Board Editor.
Complete office description - http://wiki.sla.org/display/SLASCC/Communications+Director

Director-at-Large (currently held by Cameron Trowbridge): The Director-at-Large is an elected office which regularly reports on Chapter membership; greet new members via a welcoming e-mail message; and, assists with Chapter surveys.
Complete office description - http://wiki.sla.org/display/SLASCC/Director-at-Large

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