SLA Southern California is holding its elections, October 17 – November 4, 2011, and the nominees to fill the following Executive Board offices in 2012 are:
* President-Elect – Drea Douglas
* Secretary – Shawn Stamm
* Communications Director – Michele McKinnon Fricke
* Director-at-Large – Grace Rosales
The ballot is now open. Visit to cast your ballot.
The 2011 Nominations & Elections Committee,
Teresa Bailey
Alison Becker
Sara Tompson
Candidate information follows:
Drea Douglas, Candidate for President-Elect
SLA member since: 2004
Candidate statement:
As secretary, I've spent the last two years taking notes on what other people have been doing for the chapter. I've been lucky to be surrounded by people who have the energy and the initiative to create a better community. Consequently, I believe the time is right for me to … what's the best clichéd metaphor I could use at this moment? "Step up to the plate" will speak to the sports fans, "put skin in the game" gets the political animals, and "join the conversation" might grab the academics. I'll leave it to you to decide which one gets the point across best.
My vision is to see more involvement on the part of the members. That's right, I'm asking you to vote me in to office so that I may ask you to do even more - what could possibly go wrong? In this case, not much. All I'm talking about is increasing your visibility in the library community by giving you the chance to have a face-to-face meeting with the people you've been emailing for years. This meeting could be a luncheon, a tour of a library, or perhaps a happy hour - seriously, what could go wrong?
Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter:
2010-2011: Secretary, SLA Southern California Chapter.
2007: Member, Sternheim Scholarship Fundraiser Committee.
Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including Divisions:
Current or previous employment:
2003-present: Librarian, Holland & Knight LLP.
2001-2003: Librarian, Kelley Drye & Warren LLP.
1997-2001: Information Specialist, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom, LLP.
Shawn Stamm, Candidate for Secretary
SLA member since: 2009
Candidate statement:
I come to librarianship as a career changer who has served 18 years in the pastoral ministry handling the teaching and administrative needs of different volunteer organizations. I am a people person who looks forward to the opportunity to serve SCC SLA and I am from the first graduating class of the Cal State Northridge / University of North Texas cohort.
Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter:
8/2011 Gersten-Sternheim Scholarship Event Planner
Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including divisions:
Other association activity outside of SLA:
2/ 2010- 8/2011 Founding President: Los Angeles Library and Information Sciences Student Association
All School Day Career Fair
April 2, 2011 Glendale Public Library Auditorium
“Archiving the Future” Star Trek/Mission Inn networking event. November 28, 2010 Riverside Metropolitan Museum
Resume/Mock Interview Event. October 30, 2010 Oviatt Library Presentation Room
All School Day.“Exploring your opportunities: What’s at the end of the rainbow? May 22, 2010 Glendale Public Library Auditorium
11/2009-7/2011 Member: UNT/CSUN SLA Student Chapter
Organized and promoted guest speaker event for Dorothy McGarry
Designed Special Libraries Association UNT Student Chapter Logo
Current or previous employment:
6/2011 to Present
Substitute Librarian: Los Angeles Public Library
Personal website or blog (URL):
Book Review Blog: http:/
Michele McKinnon Fricke, Candidate for Communications Director
SLA member since: 2009
Candidate statement:
I would like to contribute to building effective and strong communications, collaboration, and community within our SLA Southern California Chapter. I am a newcomer to the Los Angeles area from Portland, Oregon. I enjoy exploring the region, learning about SoCal art and history, and renovating a 1921 house.
Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter:
Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including divisions:
First Five Year Ambassador, 2011
Participant, SLA Annual Conference, Virtual Component, 2010
Other association activity outside of SLA:
Member, California Library Association & ALA, Society of American Archivists, Society of California Archivists.
Attended PLA National Conference 2010, SCA Conference 2011, Western Roundup 2010, NW Interlibrary & Resource Sharing Conference 2010, Online NW 2010.
President (2009-2010) & Secretary (2004-2009), Association of Professional Genealogists, Oregon.
Chair & Member, various organizations supporting Beaverton School District activities, 2003-2009.
Educator & Docent, Portland Art Museum, 2001-2009.
Current or previous employment:
Temporary Library Specialist, FIDM, 2011.
Previous Library & Archival Internships with Natural History Museum, The Huntington Library.
California State University Dominguez Hills, and Oregon Historical Society, 2009-2011.
Library Assistant, Cedar Mill Community Library, 2007-2010.
Beaverton School District, Education & Campaign Management, 1993-2009.
Previous work in Corporate Human Resources.
Grace Rosales, Candidate for Director-at-Large
SLA member since: September 2009
Candidate statement:
I am a research professional with over 15 years experience in the legal industry working primarily with law firms. I received my BA in Speech Communications from Cal State Long Beach, Paralegal Certificate from UCLA and a J.D. from Whittier Law School. I currently work as a Research Librarian for DLA Piper, a global law firm. I worked full time while I finished my MLIS degree with a focus on Legal Informatics and a Graduate Academic Certificate in Advanced Management. I graduated in May 2011 as part of the first graduating class from University of North Texas/Cal State Northridge (UNT/CSUN), a new cohort which started in August 2009. Our graduation ceremony was held on August 27, 2011 and I was honored to be nominated to give the commencement speech.
Shortly after UNT/CSUN cohort started, I founded the SLA Student Chapter for UNT/CSUN. I served as President from 2009-2011. Almost half of our 50 students are now SLA Student Members. In our first year the UNT/CSUN Student Chapter won the Merit Award for Outstanding Leadership from SLA SAAAC in 2010. In addition, I am the recipient of the following awards and grants:
SCALL Scholarship Recipient, 2010
AALL & Thomson West / George A. Strait Minority Scholarship Recipient, 2010
AALL Educational Scholarship Recipient, 2010
SLA Travel Grant Recipient, Legal Division, 2010
PLL Travel Grant Recipient, 2010
SCALL Travel Grant Recipient, 2010
TRIPLL Conference Invitee, 2010
RIPS-SIS AALL Grant Recipient, 2011
PLL-SIS AALL Grant Recipient, 2010 and 2011
Phi Beta Phi Honor Society, 2011
Beta Phi Mu Honor Society, 2011
Though I am fairly new in librarianship I have enjoyed the camaraderie formed with librarians especially those with our Southern California Chapter of SLA from my involvement as a student member. I would like to be able to continue to stay involved as a Director-at-Large and help increase membership especially amongst newer librarians and library students.
Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter:
Student Liaison for Chapter newsletter - 2009
Holiday Event committee – 2010
First Five Years Ambassador - 2011
Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including Divisions:
Legal Division 2009-present
Co-chair SLA Legal Division – Student Relations 2010-present
Other association activity outside of SLA:
American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) 2007-present
Southern California Association of Law Libraries (SCALL) 2007-present
American Libraries Association (ALA) 2009-present
California Libraries Association (CLA) 2009-present
Asian Pacific American Library Association (APALA) 2009-present
American Bar Association (ABA) 2007-present
SCALL Bibliography Subcommittee - 2010
Current or previous employment:
Research Librarian – DLA Piper - April 2011-present
Independent Consultant – DLA Piper - November 2010-April 2011
Reference Librarian – Howrey LLP - July 2007 -August 2010
Legal Assistant – Howrey LLP – January 2001-July 2007