Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Gloria Zamora's Southern California Travelogue

SLA President-Elect Gloria Zamora spoke at the Southern California Chapter's Karen Sternheim Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser on October 4th and continued her visit to the L.A. area on Monday, October 6th, with a tour of libraries and information centers along the San Diego Freeway corridor. The following series of photos are from Gloria's visit:

At Aerospace Corporation with, L-R, David Cappoli, Joyce Hardy, and Pat Green - Photo by Eric Hamburg of Aerospace Corp.

Speaking to students at UCLA.

With the UCLA SLA Student Chapter officers, L-R, Hlly Fisher, Sheila MacDowell, and Charlie Walmann.

With Cameron Trowbridge at the Getty Conservation Institute Information Center.

At the Getty Research Institute with Susan Allen and Cameron Trowbridge.

Wrapping up the day at the Second City Bistro in El Segundo.

Chapter Election Results

Please join me in congratulating the newly-elected SLA Southern California Chapter Executive Board members:
  • President-Elect (overseeing Programming) - Belinda Beardt
  • Director at Large - Ann Coppin (re-elected)
  • Treasurer - Bill Lee (re-elected)
  • Publications - Charlotte Wixx-Daniel
Their official terms of office will begin on January 1, 2009 and they will join Teresa Bailey as President, Susan Hendrickson as Secretary, and myself as Past-President overseeing Chapter Practices on next year's Executive Board.

I would like to thank Sue Brewsaugh and her Nominations / Election Committee, Alison Becker, Joan Dubis, and Elizabeth Sheehan, for their work in identifying candidates and conducting the election earlier than usual so that there can be a smooth transition between the officers.

And please consider chairing or being a member of an Advisory Committee in 2009. To ensure a successful chapter and overall association, we rely on your participation and involvement.

David Cappoli

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Chapter Membership Survey

For all SLA Southern California Chapter members:

Please note that the survey is now closed and results will be released to the membership once they have been analyzed.

Please complete a brief (honestly!) chapter survey that we hope will help guide the chapter's future programming and leadership recruitment. Your input is vital in helping the Chapter's Executive and Advisory Boards meet the needs of members such as yourself.

The deadline for completing the survey is December 16, 2008. Once the results of the survey have been collated, they will be announced on the chapter discussion list and posted on the chapter's web site.

Please note that this survey is meant for Southern California Chapter members, and should only be completed once.

Click here for the survey.

Century City Lunch

All SLA-SCC members are invited to an exquisite lunch experience at the Pink Taco. Bring a friend who's not a member!

Place: Pink Taco at the Century City Mall
Where: Outdoor Patio
Date: Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Time: Noon
Hosts: Jay Springer, Fox Entertainment and Alan Schroeder, Stroock Stroock & Lavan LLP
Parking: Parking at the Century City Mall is free the first 2 hours

Please RSVP to Jay Springer at

Pink Taco
10250 Santa Monica Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Phone: (424) 354-3412

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Note: For all SLA Southern California members who subscribe to the chapter's discussion list, the following illustrates the tangled web of intrigue that regularly grips the maintenance of the list.

by your humble Discussion List Admin, Bill Lee

It was the week after the Memorial Day holidays, and I was checking up on things that were left open-ended over the holidays. One of those was a message David Cappoli had sent me from Maria Brahme, the Mentor person. He had gotten a bounce message, and I re-sent it on Friday before the holidays and didn't think too much about it. Now it was Tuesday, the holiday's over and I got the bounce.

So I logged in as Admin on the Discussion list server. It showed both David and I as legal subscribers, and the messages were successful, but not sent. So I looked at the ones that had been sent and saw Liz Sheehan's message about the Bowers Brunch had been sent to a different e-mail server. So I tested that and it worked.

So I e-mailed David, and e-mailed Jeff Leach, the SLA marketing person in charge of the discussion lists, and told him what I had found. A little later I got an email from Jeff saying their vendor had messed things up and he was going to e-mail others with news of the error (I had found).

I checked the website and it had the erroneous e-mail address, so I emailed Stacy the webmaster, to have it changed. Later David showed me messages from HQ sent to the upper-muckies saying there was a mess-up and everybody should change their e-mail addresses.

Little did I know what genie I had uncorked, just cause David's message had bounced. I hadn't thought how integral the advisory positions are to the smooth running of the chapter. I felt good after a day of e-mailing and it was good to be successful due to everybody's cooperation.