Sunday, December 19, 2010

Pictures from 2010 Holiday Event are here

Did you go to the Holiday event at the Skirball? Wanna see some pictures? Mostly from the camera of our very own SLA Director, Sara Tompson, we've got some pictures "hot from the hill".

Visit your fellow members at

Do you have pictures to share? Don't be shy, you can send your pictures to

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Social wrap-up.

If you missed the Holiday Social at the Skirball, you missed a really fantastic event. After a lively networking hour, we sat down to a delicious dinner and two informative presentations, masterfully emceed by Keith Gurtzweiler of LAC Group.

Peter Derycz, CEO of Reprints Desk, gave us an overview of their new social responsibility program, partnering with Room to Read to build a library in Nepal and to support global literacy. The way the program is structured, Reprints Desk customers play a vital role, since a donation is made for every article delivered. More information about the partnership is here:

Jody Turner, founder of Culture of Future, discussed the transition our culture is making from an industrial to a social model. In the new social model the end user is important and top-down hierarchy is not as relevant anymore. End users want to be involved and want to do for themselves. They want meaningful interactions with comanies that are socially responsible, and they want a voice in how the social responsibility projects are handled. They're taking everything into their own hands, including education (look up EduPunks if you haven't already heard of them). She gave us so much food for thought that it's impossible to cover it all here, but you can get a small portion of the total picture from this site:

She also had a few book recommendations:
Drive by Daniel Pink
A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink
Delivering Happiness by Tony Hsieh
The Power of Pull by John Hagel
Unstuck by Keith Yamashita
The Art of Innovation by Thomas Kelley

Librarians and information professionals seem to be in a unique position to put this information to use to connect with the next generation.

Speaking of a social model of doing business, it took a small army of volunteers and supporters to put together the Holiday Social. Many thanks to our Holiday Social Committee:
Robin Dodge
Christian Gray
Peter Johnson
Jim Rochford
Amy Wallace

And to all of our volunteers:
Belinda Beardt
Eric Bryan
David Cappoli
Lesley Farmer
Jackie Gortman
Keith Gurtzweiler
Kris Kasianovitz
Kristen LaBonte
Grace Lau
Bill Lee
Grace Rosales
Carol Siu
Sara Tompson
Meggie Zamora

And to countless others who helped promote the event far and wide, including, Convergence Technology Council, and Technology Council of Southern California.

We are also very appreciative of our sponsors:
Reprints Desk
LAC Group
Thomson Reuters

And our raffle sponsors
LAC Group

Thank you to all of our volunteers and sponsors and attendees for making it a truly memorable event. Keep your eye on the Chapter Flickr site. Photos will be posted soon.


Thursday, December 9, 2010

New!! Photos from Natural History Museum Lunch 12/09/2010

Photos from the Natural History Museum Luncheon, held December 9, 2010 and hosted by NHM Librarian Richard Hulser are available at

Saturday, December 4, 2010

2010 SLA-SCC Award winners and Award dinner recap

By 2010 Awards Chair, Lynn Lewis

Wednesday, Nov. 10th was our Chapter’s 2010 Annual Business Meeting and Awards Dinner held at the LA84 Foundation in Los Angeles. The theme for the evening, “A celebration of librarianship and the information profession,” was most appropriate as we came together to celebrate the special accomplishments of members for service to the Chapter.

Incoming 2011 SLA-SCC board members were introduced; Peter Johnson, SCC Sternheim Scholarship Chair, introduced this year’s scholarship recipient, Ashley Sands; and the SLA national award winners for Outstanding Leadership (UNT/CSUN student chapter) and Innovative Programming (UCLA student chapter) were also recognized.

Richard Hulser led a panel discussion with Jean Crampon, Associate University Librarian, Science and Engineering Library, USC, Dorothy McGarry, Librarian Emerita, UCLA, and Cindy Mediavilla, Library Programs Consultant, California State Library and Lecturer, UCLA Dept. of Information Studies as panelists. What struck me most about their discussion was that, for all of the debate on the role and title librarians or information professionals should hold today, the core definition and purpose of the librarian/information professional is still very much the same as it was in the past: namely, that we use our expertise and knowledge to gather, organize, evaluate and share the right information to the right people in a timely manner.

Thank you to all of the evening’s participants, including SLA-SCC President Belinda Beardt, Peter Johnson, Richard Hulser, Jean Crampon, Dorothy McGarry and Cindy Mediavilla. Thank you to SLA-SCC President Elect Robin Dodge for planning and organizing the event. And thank you, especially, to Awards Committee member Sue Brewsaugh for her assistance in selecting and presenting the awards.

Following are the 2010 SLA-SCC Award winners; Certificates of Appreciation will be announced at the end of the year.

There were 2 recipients of the 2010 Billie Connor Award, Southern California Chapter, Special Libraries Associations. They are:
David Cappoli – for his knowledge of the Chapter and its operations; for the many offices he as held, including Chapter President, Treasurer, UCLA Student Liaison, as well as his work with the UCLA Student Chapter; for service to SLA Headquarters Committees, including the Nominations Committee and the New Visions Task Force; for his willingness to help anyone, anytime; for his thoughtful, steady way of conducting Chapter business; for simply being the giant whose shoulders we all stand on.

Barbara Amago – for her service as a guiding light through her many years of service to the Chapter; for overseeing the beginnings of the Chapter’s activities on the web, including the establishment of the discussion list; for nurturing many Chapter officials; and for helping to maintain stability in the Chapter through the ups and downs within the profession.

The 2010 Meritorious Service Award, Southern California Chapter, Special Libraries Association recipients are:
Eric C. Bryan - for his efforts the last few years in designing, managing and maintaining the SLA Southern California Chapter Web Site, Blog & Newsletter.

Teresa Bailey - for her efforts at organizing the West Coast Chapter Reception for the annual SLA conference in New Orleans; for making connections and organizing all of the different logistics resulting in one of the best receptions ever.

WCCR Team (Teresa Bailey, David Cappoli, Sara Tompson, and Kathy Quinn [consulting San Diego member]) – for organizing the West Coast Chapter Reception for the annual SLA Conference, held in New Orleans this year

Christian Gray - for his work overhauling the system we had in place for soliciting support from vendors; for bringing in quite a bit of support for the West Coast Chapter Reception in New Orleans; and for his help and advice as a part of the Holiday Party Planning Committee. He's been bringing in substantial financial support, and he's also been lending us his extensive network to get us help with marketing, planning, and promotion

Jackie Prentice - for resurrecting the Chapter newsletter; for creating a publication schedule, seeking content from Chapter members and beyond, and publishing 6 issues of the Chapter newsletter. This task was challenging because the newsletter had not been published for several years and Jackie had to re-establish publication guidelines for obtaining content from members and SLA headquarters

Doris Helfer - for her work mentoring the UNT/CSUN student group into forming a SLA-SCC Student Chapter, and guiding them into setting up Chapter practices and goals


Further Notes on the Panel Discussion
By Robin Dodge

Many thanks to Chapter Secretary Drea Douglas for her attentive note-taking that made this post possible.

The panel discussion about our core values and skills was interesting and timely. I took the liberty of condensing this important conversation down to the bare-bones bullet points:

Our Core Skills:
• The organization of information
• Reference
• Research
• Acquisition
• Instruction
• Management of information
• Communication and collaboration
• Ability to motivate others and ability to make decisions
• Cataloging or the organization of information
• Evaluation of resources and understanding the breadth of resources
• Enthusiasm and willingness to share what you know
• Adaptability, and continuous learning
• Ability to work in groups and lead them (which is not the same skill)
• Ability to assemble a collection
• An understanding of future formats

On forming partnerships for the greater good:

We should identify the true needs of our patrons, then work with agencies/communities with similar goals and priorities. We should keep our minds open as to what that partnership looks like. Cross-disciplinary, cross-country/world partnerships need to be formed. Not everyone gets to go to the conference/training. If we're the ones who go, we should share what we learn with the others. Educate our colleagues. Find a place to volunteer to leverage your skills beyond your organization. Our skills are transferable, and others who don't have those skills might be trained and brought into the profession.

Our Core Values:

• Service to the users (whether end user or colleague)
• Material selection in an unbiased manner
• Providing access to information
• Supporting intellectual freedom, literacy, and reading
• Protecting patron privacy.
• Providing unbiased information that is timely and valid
• Leading by example
• Our commitment to provide a service that allows people to have a better life

What do you think should have made the list? How might we continue to adapt our core values and skills to keep our profession relevant into the future?

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lunch at the Natural History Museum, December 9th

While we eagerly await the holiday party, we have scheduled one more fantastic event to close out the year. I hope you will join us on December 9th at 11:30am, for a lunchtime overview presentation about the Natural History Museum and the Research Library by Chief Librarian Richard P. Hulser. A tour of the Research Library area may be possible, depending upon construction activities in progress that day.

Richard will be focusing on the past, present and future of the Research Library. A few of the rare and interesting items from the collection, including a first edition Edgar Allen Poe book on a topic you would never have guessed, are planned to be on display. After the meeting, a walking tour of the newly restored original 1913 building Rotunda with its dramatic stained glass ceiling, unique "What on Earth" exhibit, and original paintings of Charles R. Knight will be available along with a visit to the recently opened and fascinating Age of Mammals hall.

What do you want to learn about at the NHM Library or the Museum? Send your questions to Richard and he will address them during the tour.

You may bring your own lunch, or order a Corner Bakery boxed lunch through Robin. The cost for the boxed lunch is $9.

1. EMAIL ROBIN at by December 7th. Regardless of lunch status, or facebook status for that matter, you will not be RSVP'd to this event unless you email Robin.

2. If purchasing a boxed lunch, please send your sandwich selection to Robin, and mail a check (payable to SLA-SCC) to: Robin Dodge, FIDM Library, 919 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, CA  90015, or simply bring your lunch money to the event.

Corner Bakery sandwich selections: Ham or Turkey Pretzel, Chicken Pesto, D.C. Chicken Salad, Poblano Fresco (Vegetarian, Chicken, Roast Beef) Tomato Mozzarella, Tuna Salad, Turkey Swiss, Mom's Roast Beef, Mom's Turkey, and Mom's Roasted Chicken.

Directions to the museum can be found at

Museum guests can park in Exposition Park Lot 3, on the west side of Bill Robertson Lane (formerly Menlo Avenue), just north of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and east of Vermont Avenue. The parking facility is located on West side of the museum as shown in the map below. Although we previously thought we could arrange for free parking, attendees will in fact have to pay the $8 parking fee. We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause.

Once parked, cross the street and enter the museum at the staff entrance which is partially obscured by fencing in the Southwest corner. The entrance denotes an auditorium.

Once inside, you will need to tell the security guard you are attending the meeting and sign in at the security guard desk. Someone will be there to point you to the Times-Mirror room which is a very short walk from the staff entrance area.

This just in! Public transit info from Metro Librarian Kenn Bicknell:
The Museum is also accessible by two different DASH lines as well as several Metro lines. You may wish to consider taking public transportation entirely, or find street parking somewhere and jump on a bus DASH, which is only 35 cents.

From downtown (7th & Flower), DASH F takes you right there in approximately 13 minutes.

Metro's Trip Planner will show all the best options (includes Metro as well as DASH).

Karen Sternheim Scholarship Recipient

It is my pleasure to announce that UCLA MLIS student Ashley Sands has been selected as the recipient of this year's Karen Sternheim Memorial Scholarship.
Ashley, who expects to graduate next June, hopes to work in a humanities-based research center, library and/or museum. She worked this past summer at a Middle Bronze Age archeological site in southern Turkey, and is particularly interested in bringing library and information-science skills to archeological excavation and research.
Ashley was honored at the chapter's scholarship fundraiser Oct. 17 at the Los Angeles County Arboretum, as well as at the chapter awards dinner Nov. 10 at the LA84 Foundation.
Please join me in congratulating Ashely, and in thanking my colleagues on the scholarship panel -- Rita Costello, Keith Gurtzweiler, Victoria McCargar and Norah Xiao -- for their dedication to the committee and its work.
Best regards,
Attached:  Ashley's Essay

September / October 2010 Newsletter

Link to full newsletter
September / October 2010 Volume 35 Number 5

Wouldn’t you know it, just as I am getting the hang of things I have to turn the reins over to the new incoming Communications Director, Lesley Farmer. Yippee! I mean darn it all anyway….

I wanted you all to know that I have really enjoyed resurrecting the Chapter Newsletter and getting to know a lot of the SLA-SCC members. I hope to continue my involvement in 2011 by being the 1st to advertise in the newsletter as a vendor since I was never able to figure that out as the newsletter editor! Please send me any ideas for the final edition which will come out in December. Thank you!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Even more pictures at the Flickr Site!

Did the pictures of the 2010 Awards Dinner whet your appetite for even more chapter activity photos?

Well, we gottem! Photos from chapter events from 2002 to 2010 have been uploaded to

You can add your own comments if you see yourself or a friend and they aren't in the caption.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Awards Dinner pictures

Come take a look at the 2010 Awards Dinner pictures, now available on the Chapter's new Flickr page, at

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Registration is now open for the 2010 Holiday Social!

You won't want to miss this informative and fun program. Please share with your friends and colleagues. The event is open to all.

Redesigning Live, Work and Play:
How Culture is Shifting and Business is Responding

A holiday event with substance. Join a variety of professionals to mix, mingle, synergize and look forward.

December 15th, 2010
Skirball Cultural Center

Jody Turner, Culture of Future
Innovation Advocate, Creative Culture Researcher and Connector
• A strategic look at the changing world
• Directional approaches for community shifts, education, inspiration, products and services
• Insights from leading brands such as Apple, Gap, IDEO, Samsung, and Starbucks

Social Responsibility by Peter Derycz
Founder and CEO of Reprints Desk
Corporate Donor to Room to Read

• Why social responsibility is good for business
• Using challenge grants to foster community ownership and sustainability
• Creating culturally relevant programs with strong local staff and partnerships

Presented by:

Special Libraries Association Southern California Chapter
Los Angeles Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology

In association with: Convergence Technology Council, Technology Council of Southern California, and

Sponsored by: Thomson Reuters, LAC Group, Reprints Desk, IEEE, Cuadra, LexisNexis and Elsevier.

Plus: Three course meal and cash bar; Entertainment, provided by DJ Dave Dolphin; Free admission to the Museum prior to the event; Support of an important charitable cause, with a portion of the proceeds benefitting Room to Read.

Date: Wednesday, December 15th, 2010
Time: 5:00PM Check-in & Registration
6:00PM Dinner & Program
Location: Skirball Cultural Center

Professionals: $75.00
Students: $40.00

Register online here:
If you prefer to mail your registration, you may do so by printing the flyer from the above website.

I hope to see you at the Skirball!
-Robin Dodge
SLA-SCC President Elect

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Register now for the Annual Awards Dinner!

Let's celebrate our most deserving members who have made an impact on our chapter this year. Our Annual Awards dinner promises to be a fun event, with dinner and wine at a beautiful historic venue and even a panel discussion about our profession. Whether you're a member or not, whether you're a student or professional, everyone is welcome to join us for this important celebration.

When: Wednesday, November 10th.
4:00pm Board meeting.
5:30pm Registration and networking.
6:00pm Award presentations.
7:00pm Panel discussion.

Where: LA84 Foundation.
2141 West Adams Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90018
Parking before 5pm: Visitors can park on the south side of the lot if space is available. After 5pm: Visitors can park in any available space. If the lot is full, parking is safe, plentiful, and free on Adams or Gramercy.
Access to the building before 5pm: Enter through the front door of the Britt House. After 5pm: Enter through the black gate to the Pavilion.

$40 Members
$35 Students/Retired/Unemployed
$45 Non-members

Includes appetizers, dinner, and wine!

Featuring a panel discussion with:

Jean Crampon
Associate University Librarian
Science and Engineering Library
University of Southern California

Dorothy McGarry
Librarian Emerita, UCLA
Retired Head of the Cataloging Division of the UCLA Physical Sciences and Technology Libraries

Cindy Mediavilla
Library Programs Consultant
California State Library
UCLA Department of Information Studies

Moderated by
Richard Hulser
Chief Librarian, Natural History Museum of LA County

On the topic:

"A Celebration of Librarianship and the Information Profession"

Let's have an upbeat and lively discussion about the reasons we all became information professionals, our core values, and our hopes and goals for the future of our profession.

RSVP: PLEASE EMAIL ROBIN at by November 6th if you plan to attend. Facebook and Paypal are great aren't they? But they don't count as emailing Robin. Only emailing Robin counts as emailing Robin.

THEN you may use the links below to pay via paypal, or bring your payment to the event, or mail your check to:
Robin Dodge, FIDM Library, 919 S. Grand Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90015.




Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sternheim Fundraiser wrap-up.

It was a dark and drizzly day at the Arboretum, but nothing could stop us from having a fantastic time at the Sternheim Fundraiser. We moved the event inside the cozy Peacock Cafe and enjoyed our wine and appetizers in good company. We even ventured out into the weather for a brisk walk through the gardens and a tour of the Arboretum Library, led by Arboretum Librarian Susan Eubank. We were very fortunate to have several VIPs in attendance. Karen Sternheim's parents, Jesse and Shirley Gersten, as well as her husband, Harvey Sternheim, touched our hearts with their memories of Karen and their commitment to the Sternheim Scholarship Fund. We were also introduced to the very deserving 2010 Sternheim Scholarship award winner Ashley Sands, who told us a bit about her exciting work as an archeologist.

Some pictures of the evening are here:

And more pictures, from Sara Tompson, are here:

It takes a village to pull together an event like this. Thank you to all who attended. Your support of the scholarship fund is invaluable. I want to offer a special thank-you to my unofficial scholarship committee who volunteered either time or resources or both to the cause:

Drea Douglas
Joyce Hardy
Bill Lee
Susan Eubank

And to our Scholarship Committee for doing such a great job selecting the best candidate:

Peter Johnson (Chair)
Rita Costello
Keith Gurtzweiler
Victoria McCargar
Norah Xiao
Emi Yoshida

The fundraiser would be impossible without a lively raffle and silent auction, made possible by these folks:

Teresa Bailey
David Cappoli
Rachel Clarke
Rita Costello
Glen Gustafson
Peter Johnson
Bill Lee
Mary Sohn Lee
Kathleen McElhinney
Sara Tompson

Thank you all for making it a very memorable event. See you at the next one!


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Chapter Election Results

Please congratulate the winners of this year's SLA Southern California Chapter elections:
  • For President-Elect: William Lee
  • For Treasurer: Peter Johnson
  • For Communications Director: Lesley Farmer
  • For Director-at-Large: Cameron Trowbridge

Your 2011 Chapter Executive Board will be:
  • President: Robin Dodge
  • President-Elect: William Lee
  • Past President: Belinda Beardt
  • Treasurer: Peter Johnson
  • Secretary: Drea Douglas
  • Communications Director: Lesley Farmer
  • Director-at-Large: Cameron Trowbridge

Thank you for voting, and much appreciation goes to the Nominations Committee members, Alison Becker and Joan Dubis.

And please consider volunteering for an Advisory Board position in 2011 - contact Robin Dodge if interested.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

SLA-SCC Fall events.

We have a fantastic line-up of events for the rest of the year. From happy hours to evening programs, we have all your networking needs covered. I hope you will join us at all of them!

October 17th, 5pm. Sternheim Fundraiser at the Arboretum.
It's not too late to register for the Sternheim fundraiser! Help our Chapter support future information professionals by attending this important fundraising event. Please see the blog post for details and email your RSVP by Wednesday, October 13th to If you can't attend, donations to the Sternheim fund are always welcome. Last-minute donations to our raffle are also welcome. Please contact raffle coordinator Drea Douglas by Wednesday, at

October 21st, 6pm. Happy Hour in the Valley.
Fall is such a beautiful time of year in Southern California. Let's celebrate in the Valley at the Blue Dog Beer Tavern, with our host Shawn Stamm, President of the LA LISSA organization. RSVP: or on the facebook event invite.

November 4th, 6pm. Happy Hour on the Westside.
But wait, there's more! You can always make room on your calendar for another happy hour, right? Let's celebrate Fall again at the Westside Tavern, with our host Maria Brahme, SLA-SCC Mentor Program Chair. RSVP: or on the facebook event invite.

November 10th, 5:30pm. Awards Dinner and Evening Program at the LA84 Foundation.
I'm excited to announce that the Awards Dinner has been scheduled for November 10th at 5:30pm at the LA84 Foundation. And because we should keep the celebratory mood going all through the Fall, the Awards Dinner will be combined with a program titled "A Celebration of Librarianship and the Information Profession." We will have a panel discussion led by Jean Crampon, Cindy Mediavilla, and Dorothy McGarry, about the core values of our profession and the values we should consider protecting and carrying forward into the future. More details about this event, as well as registration instructions, will be posted shortly.

An essential part of the Awards Dinner are the Awards of course! Awards Chair Lynn Lewis would like to remind everyone that nominations are now open:
"The Holidays are coming, and what better way to celebrate than by choosing to honor a colleague with a special Chapter Award. There are two ways to do this: the first is to honor a Chapter member who has provided outstanding service to the Chapter over a long period of time (the Billie Connor Award). The other is to recognize a member for exceptional service for a shorter period of time, or has successfully completed a short-term project which benefits the Chapter (The Meritorious Service Award).

All we need is the name and contact information (phone, email, company/organization), which award (Connor or Service), and a brief description of what the nominee has done that makes him/her eligible.

Send your nominations today to Lynn Lewis, Chair, SCC/SLA Awards Committee, at: Awards must be received by no later than October 31, 2010."

December 9th, 11:30am. Tour of the Natural History Museum Library.
Chief Librarian Richard P. Hulser will treat us to an informative presentation on the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County with a focus on the past, present and future of the Research Library. Details and registration for this event will be posted soon.

December 15th, 6pm. Holiday Party at the Skirball Center.
We are planning a truly spectacular holiday party. You won't want to miss this. Please save the date and stay tuned for all the details.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Recent events wrap-up.

Our Chapter hosted two fantastic events recently, a professional development workshop on Career Agility, and a Mentor Program Open House. Both events were packed with so much useful information, they're impossible to summarize here. Don't miss out on the high-quality content of our programs! Be sure to join us at our upcoming events.

A few pictures from the Career Agility workshop are here:

Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to put these events together. And a big shout-out to our 2010 Professional Development Program Chair, and now 2011 Incoming Director for the SLA Board, Sara Tompson. Congratulations Sara!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Register now for the Sternheim Scholarship Fundraiser!

The Southern California Chapter of the
Special Libraries Association is proud to sponsor

An Evening at the Los Angeles County
Arboretum & Botanic Garden

Sunday, October 17, 2010
5:00pm to 8:00pm
301 North Baldwin Avenue
Arcadia, CA, 91007
Come watch the peacocks while enjoying a wine tasting and appetizers
Plus, raffles with great prizes throughout the evening

Check-in at the Arboretum Library 5:00 - 5:30pm
Minimum donation is $50.00/Student donation is $25
Proceeds to benefit

The Karen Sternheim Memorial Scholarship
This memorial scholarship was established to provide assistance to a student enrolled in a graduate master’s degree program in library and information studies who intends to pursue a career in special librarianship.

An Evening at the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Gardens

Reservations/Information: Robin Dodge at, 213-624-1200 x.3376

Donation Information: Please mail reservations and donations to:
Robin Dodge, FIDM Library, 919 S. Grand Ave, Los Angeles, 90015

Name(s): ________________________________________
Number of tickets: __________________________________
Contact email or phone: _______________________________

Sorry, I will not be able to attend. However, I would like to donate _________ (tax deductible).
Please make checks out to: SLA/SCC and note it is for the “Sternheim Scholarship”
Attendees’ donations in excess of $50 per person are tax deductible.

OR, RSVP via email and pay here via paypal:

$50 donation:

$25 student donation:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Vote for Your Chapter Leaders!

Exercise your SLA Southern California Chapter membership rights and cast your vote for your Chapter leadership, September 20 through October 11, 2010.

Voting is now closed. Thanks to all of the members that participated in this year's elections.

Friday, September 17, 2010

SLA-SCC Mentor Program Open House, September 30th, 6pm.

Please join us for a relaxing evening of networking over a light dinner and wine, to learn about the SLA-SCC Mentor Program. Doris Helfer, winner of the Rose L. Vormeker Award for her "exceptional services in area of mentoring students and/or working professionals" will treat us to an inspiring presentation on Mentoring, and our Mentor Program Chair, Maria Brahme, will be on hand to provide more information about the program. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Have you considered becoming a mentor? Even if you recently started your career, you have something to offer to those who are still in school or recently graduated. Are you a student or recent grad who is looking for a little bit of professional guidance? Let's meet up and get connected! This event is FREE (yes, including dinner! and wine!) and it is open to non-members. In order to become a Mentor, you must become a member of SLA, but non-members are welcome to attend the Open House to learn more about the program and membership. In order to become a Mentee, membership is not required but it is encouraged. There is no need to commit to the Mentor Program to attend this informative session.

The details:

Where: Cal State Northridge Oviatt Library

When: Thursday, September 30th, 6pm.

RSVP:, or on the Facebook group event page.

Directions and parking:
Campus directions:
Campus map:
Go to Information Booth Number 2, located near the corner of Prairie and Darby to get a parking pass ($6). Tell them you want the parking nearest to the library, which is the parking lot right behind the information booth (B4). Or you can locate a student lot, and pay the daily rate from one of the dispensers.

Meeting room info:
Once you enter Oviatt Library, go straight into the big reference/computer room and immediately turn left. Continue to the West Wing and then down the wooden stairway to the Presentation Room. If you can't take the stairs, continue until you get to an elevator on your right and take it down to the Lower Level (LL). There is also an information booth at the entrance and they can direct you to the Presentation Room.

I hope to see some new faces and old friends at what promises to be a fun evening. Please pass this announcement along to your colleagues and anyone who you think might be interested.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Announcing the Nominees for SLA Southern California Elections

SLA Southern California is holding its elections, September 20 - October 11, 2010, and the nominees to fill the following Executive Board offices in 2011 are:
  • President-Elect - William Lee
  • Treasurer - Peter Johnson
  • Communications Director - Lesley Farmer
  • Director-at-Large - Cameron Trowbridge
Ballot and voting information will be e-mailed to all members of the SLA Southern California Chapter on September 20th.

Candidate Information:

William Lee, Candidate for President-Elect
  • SLA member since:
  • Candidate statement (vision, etc.):
I would like the chapter to regain its position as one of the preeminent chapters of the national association. We can do this by increasing the number and activity levels of the members. I would like to see the chapter strengthen its relationship with the student organizations to help current students see the value in joining SLA both as students and as professionals. I want to improve the First Five Program to assist beginning professionals and assure their continued membership. I want to reach out to existing members to increase communication between them and the executive board. I want to do my best to have meetings in as many diverse geographic areas as possible to include members in "outlaying" districts. I want to have fun doing these things.
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter (list year and office or activity):
2006 thru current - Chapter Treasurer
2003 thru current - Discussion list owner
2001 thru 2002 - Communications Chair
1999 thru 2000 - Employment Chair
2000 thru 2001 - Newsletter editor
1990 thru 2000 - Voice of SLA Chapter Jobline
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including divisions (list year and office or activity):
  • Other association activity outside of SLA (list year, association, and office or activity):
  • Current or previous employment (title, organization, and dates):
Solo Librarian
Experian Information Services
Costa Mesa
August 2000 thru November 2008

Librarian 2
Southern California Edison
September 1989 thru August 2000

Librarian/Document Coordinator
While at Fluor, established Technical Library in Saudi Arabia.
Fluor Engineers and Constructors
July 1977 thru September 1989

Various public and academic libraries
1972 thru 1977
  • Personal website or blog (URL):

Peter Johnson, Candidate for Treasurer
  • SLA member since:
  • Candidate statement (vision, etc.):
SLA, and in particular the SCC chapter, are valued and important aspects of my professional life. Having served as treasurer of the News Division for three years, I am pleased to be able to offer these skills to the Southern California Chapter.
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter (list year and office or activity):
Chair, Scholarship Committee, 2008-2010
Member, Scholarship Committee, 2006-2008
Chapter holiday party coordinator, 2009 and 2010
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including divisions (list year and office or activity):
Treasurer, News Division, 2004-2007
A/V Coordinator, News Division, 1996-2003
  • Other association activity outside of SLA (list year, association, and office or activity):
  • Current or previous employment (title, organization, and dates):
Project Manager for Records, Documents & Images
Skirball Cultural Center & Museum
Los Angeles, CA

Consultant in Digital Archiving and Preservation

Reference, graphics and database management librarian
Los Angeles Times
  • Personal website or blog (URL):

Lesley Farmer, Candidate for Communications Director
  • SLA member since:
2002 (also 1974-1975)
  • Candidate statement (vision, etc.):
SLA is only as strong as its membership engagement and contributions, both of which depend on timely and relevant communication. Today’s technology facilitates interactive communication alongside the “traditional” broadcasting of association information. SoCal has the potential to expand participation in chapter activities, enable members to share best practices and research, and help members support each other in dealing with professional issues. In other words, communication should be an ongoing process, not just a periodic product. As Communications Director, I see my role as a coordinator of communication efforts, overseeing and optimizing appropriate communications channels in support of SLA members and their professional growth. Having written, edited, and facilitated organizational and academic communication using a variety of media over the years, I can bring my expertise to Southern California.
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter (list year and office or activity):
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including divisions (list year and office or activity):
Education Division Chair (2007-8)
Education Libraries editor (2003-7)
San Francisco Bay professional devt. Committee planner/presenter (1974-5)
  • Other association activity outside of SLA (list year, association, and office or activity):
Intl. Assn. of School Librarianship VP Assn. Relations 2007-12 and Info Literacy SIG chair 2005-7
IFLA School Libraries Section newsletter editor 2007-
ALA AASL Board 2000-2; ALA YALSA Board 1994-6
Assn. of Library and Info. Science Educators Intl. Ed. SIG chair 2006-9 and Gender Issues SIG chair 2009-11
CUE Library Media SIG chair 1999-2009 and Higher Ed SIG co-chair 2009-11
California Library Assn. newsletter editor/columnist 1992-2002 and info tech chair 1998-2000
California School Library Assn. VP Organization 1998-2001 and tech committee member 2001-11

Frequent presenter for several associations
  • Current or previous employment (title, organization, and dates):
Librarianship Program Coordinator and Professor of Library Media, California State University Long Beach (1999-now)
Teacher Librarian, Tamalpais USD, 1993-1999
Library Director, San Domenico School, 1984-1993
Adjunct Faculty, Univ. of Delaware, 1982-1983
Asst. Professor, Virginia Commonwealth Univ., 1981-2
Media Specialist, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 1977-81
Librarian/Instructor, Peace Corps, 1975-7
Librarian, Singer Business Machines, 1974-5
Information Specialist, Baltimore Public Library, 1972-3]
  • Personal website or blog (URL):

Cameron Trowbridge, Candidate for Director-at-Large
  • SLA member since:
  • Candidate statement (vision, etc.):
I believe my active participation as an officer in SLA’s Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division for the past six years has more than prepared me to fulfill the duties of Director-at-Large for the Southern California Chapter. If elected, I look forward to the opportunity to become more engaged with SLA-SCC through regular involvement with Chapter membership activities.
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter (list year and office or activity):
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including divisions (list year and office or activity):
Communications Team Leader, Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division (Current)
Past-chair, Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division (2008/09)
Chair, Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division (2007/08)
Chair-elect, Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division (2006/2007)
Bulletin Editor, Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division (2005/2006)
  • Other association activity outside of SLA (list year, association, and office or activity):
  • Current or previous employment (title, organization, and dates):
Manager, Research Services and Information Center
The Getty Conservation Institute
Los Angeles
  • Personal website or blog (URL):
Profile from The GCI Newsletter (Summer, 2004):

Saturday, September 4, 2010

SLA-SCC Happy Hours and Upcoming Events.

We had a fantastic time at our Downtown LA happy hour.



Many thanks to all those who could make it. Stay tuned to the blog for future happy hours, and possibly a lunchtime bowling event! And lest you think all I do is plan happy hours, rest assured we have some educational and enlightening programs coming up. I hope you've already marked all these events on your calendar: Next up: Career Agility, our Professional Development Workshop. You've already registered, right?

Orange County members, I realize we don't bring programs down your way very often, but in between our visits you might want to check out the new social group created by SLA-SCC member Liz Yeh, called the Orange County Libations Club. We co-hosted a dinner in the OC recently and a fantastic time was had by all. What a great group of folks. You can find them on Facebook at this address:!/group.php?gid=129537707091007. I'm sure we will be cohosting many more events in the OC with this fun group.

See you all soon.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Pictures from the MTA Library

Earlier this week we attended a tour of the MTA Library, hosted by Matthew Barrett and Kenn Bicknell. Occupying part of the 15th floor of the MTA Headquarters building at Union Station, they have a beautiful library with an amazing view of downtown LA. Even more impressive than their physical space is their online presence. They've done amazing things with web 2.0 and social networking by using resources such as Facebook, Flickr, Scribd and even Second Life to connect with their patrons and the public.

The main reading room of the MTA Library:

Checking out the resources:

Matt, showing us one of the back rooms:

You might be a librarian if your desk looks like this:

A little bit of their beautiful view:

Many thanks to Matt and Kenn for hosting us. I know that everyone who attended was thoroughly impressed.


Friday, August 20, 2010

Save these dates!

Please mark these important upcoming events in your calendars:

September 2, 5:30pm: Downtown LA Networking Happy Hour.

September 24th, noon: Career Agility professional development workshop, at USC.

More details about the following events will be posted soon. Please save the dates.

September 30th, 6pm: Mentoring Open House, at CSUN, with Doris Helfer and Mentoring Chair Maria Brahme. Come learn about the SLA-SCC mentoring program over hors d'oeuvres and wine.

October 17th, 5pm: Sternheim Fundraiser, at the LA Arboretum. Please note, this was previously scheduled for October 10th. Make sure you note the new date of October 17th!

November 4th, 11am: Networking lunch and tour of the Natural History Museum Library, with Richard Hulser.

December 15th, 5pm: Holiday Social, at the Skirball Center.

Some of you with sharp eyes and great memories may have noticed that our Awards dinner is not on this list. I'll post the information as soon as I have it all settled, but you can count on a date sometime in November.

Local area happy hours and networking lunches can be scheduled anytime. Please contact me if you're interested in hosting. I'm also always interested in setting up library tours. If you work in a library that might be of interest to the SLA-SCC, let's set up a tour! And if you don't, but you really want to see a particular special library, let's talk. I might be able to arrange it.


Downtown LA Networking Happy Hour, September 2, 5:30pm.

I've had many requests for another Downtown LA* happy hour, and I think this beautiful Southern California weather is calling us to the backyard paradise at the Hotel Figueroa. Everyone is welcome. Tell your coworkers and friends.

September 2, 5:30pm
Hotel Figueroa
939 South Figueroa, Los Angeles, 90015
(walk through the lobby to the back patio)

Hotel Fig is convenient to the red line (7th/Metro stop, exit Figueroa and head South), and there's several parking lots around that don't charge a fortune (look for the little lots several blocks away for the best deals).

RSVP to Robin,, or on the facebook event page (and while you're there, join our facebook group).

*Why Downtown LA? Again?
We recently mapped our membership and we have a high concentration of members in the downtown area. I've also had almost no volunteers to host happy hours in outlying areas, or even on the westside. If you want a happy hour or networking lunch closer to your neck of the woods, let's set one up! All you have to do is find a venue that doesn't mind hosting a group of 10-20 librarians who might have passionate and mildly disruptive conversations about metadata and information literacy. I'll take it from there.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

SLA-SCC August 2010 Newsletter

Hope everyone is having a great summer!  Linked is the August 2010 newsletter.  Enjoy!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Register today for the SLA-SCC Professional Development Workshop!

Career Agility

September 24, 2010 at the USC University Club

A Professional Development Workshop showcasing how Librarians and Information Professionals can be more nimble in their careers and primed for the future.

Brought to you by SLA Southern California and the USC Libraries.

Featuring an experts panel, in-depth breakout sessions on career topics, and a mini jobfair.

Cindy Romaine, Principal of Romaniacs and President-Elect of the international Special Libraries Association.

Deb Hunt, Principal of Information Edge and Director, Special Libraries Association Board.

Belinda Beardt, Consultant for AIM Library and Information Staffing and President, SLA-SCC.

11:30 a.m. – Noon – Check-in / Networking
Noon – 2:15 p.m. – Three Course Lunch and Panel Discussion
2:30 – 4:00 p.m. – In Depth Breakouts with Panelists
4:15 – 4:45 p.m. – Sum Up and Vendor Introductions
5:00 – 7:00 p.m. – Mini Job Fair and Networking Reception (wine, beer, soda and water hosted by USC Libraries)

USC University Club -
Map and Directions - ($8.00 parking)

To register: 1) RSVP to by September 17th. 2) Pay by check payable to SLA-SCC, and mail to Robin Dodge, FIDM Library, 919 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90015. Or via PayPal, below. Payment will also be accepted at the door.

For telephone or e-mail registration, or if you have questions, contact Robin at or 213-624-1200 x.3376

_________ $50.00 (SLA Members / USC Library Staff)
_________ $60.00 (Non-members)
_________ $40.00 (Students, Retirees, and those between jobs)
_________ Sponsor a student for $40.00
Name: ______________________________________
Affiliation: ____________________________________
E-mail: ______________________________________

Entree: chicken or vegetarian? ______________________

Paypal for SLA Members/USC Library Staff:

Paypal for Non-members:

Paypal for Students, Retirees, and those between jobs (choose this option to sponsor a student):

Friday, August 13, 2010

Join us for drinks and dinner and networking in the OC!

The location has changed to JT Schmid's in Tustin.

Sorry for the short notice, but this meetup was urgently needed. Orange County, here we come!

When: Thursday, August 19th, 7pm

Where: JT Schmid's
2415 Park Ave.
Tustin, CA 92782

Hosted by Liz Yeh, founder of the new group Orange County Libations Club.

Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 18th to, or on facebook.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Attention Employers: The SLA-SCC invites you to participate in our Professional Development mini-job-fair.

This announcement is for employers interested in participating in the mini-job-fair portion of our Professional Development program. Members, stay tuned for the event announcement, which will include registration information.

Employers, SLA Southern California invites you to participate in ...

Career Agility - A Professional Development Workshop showcasing how Librarians and Information Professionals can be more nimble in their careers and primed for the future.

When: Friday, September 24, 2010; Noon – 6:30pm

Where: University of Southern California's University Club

Presented by: The Special Libraries Association Southern California Chapter (SLA-SCC)

Schedule: Buffet lunch and panel; Breakout sessions; Wrap up and vendor intros; Networking reception and mini-job-fair.

We hope your organization can participate in the mini-job-fair!

Participation cost = $100, which reserves table space, a special badge, and admission for one of your employees - HR and/or librarian – to the whole event.

Table materials should be compact – brochures or one pagers. Feel free to bring your own tabletop (small) signs. SLA-SCC can print 8x11" signs upon request.

For more information contact Sara Tompson at

Register by September 10th to meet talented information professionals who could be your next great hire. To register, pay via Paypal and email your company and representative info to Robin Dodge, OR send your check to: Robin Dodge, FIDM Library, 919 S. Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90015.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why you should come to our networking events.

I can't believe it's already August. With 7 full months of programming under my belt I can say without a doubt that this has year has been the most fun I've had professionally in a very long time. Why? Because I've attended all of the SLA-SCC events! And you should too. Most of our events this year have been free, open to non-members, and pretty easily accessible (Did you know that some chapters cover entire states? And you thought driving across town was bad). Every event offers the opportunity to meet new people, expand your horizons, learn about other libraries, and sometimes there's even beer (at happy hour, not on library tours).

We have some really fun events coming up for the rest of the year, and I hope to see some old friends and new faces. In case you need proof of how much fun we have, I have photographic evidence. Enjoy!

GIA Library Tour, July 16.

More GIA pics from Grace Rosales. (Thanks Grace!)

Westwood Happy Hour, August 5, pics from Sara Tompson. (Thanks Sara!)

Oh, and there was a really fun lunch at the Hammer on July 29th, but I was way too busy enjoying my delicious meal and some free art to take pictures. Trust me, you should have been there.

See you at the next event!

MTA Library Tour, August 18th, 11am

The SLA-SCC is going to the MTA library, AKA the Dorothy Peyton Gray Transportation Library! MTA Librarian Matthew Barrett will be hosting this informative tour, including a tour of their Second Life library and a discussion of their impressive social networking efforts. This is a tour you shouldn't miss!

Wednesday, August 18th, 11am. Bring your lunch money, and let's do lunch afterwards at Philippe's.

Dorothy Peyton Gray Transportation Library
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
1 Gateway Plaza, 15th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90012
If you're taking the subway to Union Station: exit towards the Vignes Street side, come up to the East Portal of Union Station and take the escalator up to the Patsaouras Bus Plaza, 25 story highrise to the left is the MTA headquarters building, enter through the lobby and go up to the 3rd floor security desk to sign in. Take elevators to the 15th floor, follow signs to the library.

Because you should have a little bit of fun mid-week, on your lunch hour, at the MTA Library.

Please RSVP soon so Matt can give our names to security. Email, or RSVP on the facebook group announcement (and join our facebook group while you're at it!).

See you soon!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Save these important dates for our Professional Development program and Sternheim Fundraiser!

We have two very important programs coming up, so please pencil us into your calendar.

Our Professional Development program on "Career Agility" is scheduled for Friday, September 24th, from noon to 6pm, at USC.

Our Sternheim Fundraiser is scheduled for Sunday, October 17th at 5pm at the Peacock Cafe in the LA Arboretum.

Stay tuned to the blog for more details as we finalize our plans.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Westwood happy hour with the UCLA student group officers, August 5th, 5:30pm

We're full of love for Westwood these days, so let's do happy hour with our UCLA chapter officers. August 5th, 5:30pm, at the Westwood Brewing Co.

Westwood Brewing Co.
1097 Glendon Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Happy hours are a fantastic way to network with your colleagues. Everyone is welcome, you don't need to be a member, and you can bring your friends and coworkers. In case you need some more convincing, click here for photos from our last happy hour, with the UNT/CSUN group.

Thank you to Grace Rosales for sending along these pictures. A great time was had by all at Home Restaurant.

See you all soon! In person, I hope. But online is almost as good.

Facebook group
Linkedin group


Conference report #4

In this conference report, Jackie Gortman goes more in-depth about Mary Ellen Bates’ “Brand You and Web 2.0” presentation. Thanks Jackie, for summarizing this very timely and important topic.

SLA-SCC gave me the opportunity to attend the 2010 SLA conference virtually and this is my coverage of Mary Ellen Bates’ “Brand You and Web 2.0” presentation. Branding yourself involves how you want to be known and how you present yourself to the world. Bates quoted fellow SLA 2010 presenter Kim Dority: “Intelligent personal branding showcases your authentic self so others can understand your value.”

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are the three main tools used for personal branding in today’s Web 2.0 world. The audience and content are different for each – LinkedIn is the most professional, while Facebook and Twitter are more informal. Using all three increases your online presence and helps build your network, which helps you to build your brand. Bates recommends spending 30 minutes each week building your online profile and presence using these tools and keeping in mind that a high quality presence will take some time to build. She emphasizes the professional importance of having a LinkedIn account, as well as an informative and value-added Twitter account. She also recommends having a blog and suggests spacing entries out over even amounts of time.

Bates says that you get what you put into social networking. Filling in your profile and providing a photo are important first steps in building others’ trust, especially when using LinkedIn. On LinkedIn, you should also include a resume, establish connections, and join professional groups such as SLA. You can help others by sharing resources, creating content, and answering questions. Keeping in mind that many people have short attention spans, try to be concise in your writing, especially in Twitter where you are allotted only 140 characters per tweet.

When using Twitter, live tweeting a conference and blogging the highlights of a conference are two ways to add value for your followers. You can gain followers by writing your own content, by retweeting something interesting, giving your insight on a topic, and including context with any links you provide. Although some people are hesistant to join Twitter because they view it as a fad that will soon pass, Bates believe that it is a sustainable business, mostly due to the large volume of information it holds collectively.
-Jackie Gortman

We're not done yet! Watch for more conference reports in upcoming editions of our newsletter. And while we're talking about web 2.0, come on over and join our groups on Linkedin and Facebook.

Conference report #3

Our third conference report is from virtual attendee Elizabeth Yeh. Enjoy!

My Virtual SLA Experience
Elizabeth Yeh

As a San Jose State University MLIS student I attend conferences with slightly different goals than our professional colleagues. Although it would have been a dream to go to New Orleans for this conference, it is difficult to justify attending conferences on the other coast when you are an unemployed student taking summer school courses. So attending the Virtual Component was the perfect solution—especially when the Southern California chapter offered to sponsor ten of us! (Thank you again!)

From the opening session with James Carville and Mary Matalin to the closing session with Nicholas Carr, I felt the anticipation of being at conference. The music we heard broadcast over the speakers or headphones of our computers throughout the conference set the mood and brought the wonderful New Orleans spirit to Orange County where I sat with my laptop, coffee and fluffy slippers.

Let me share a few of my highlights with you. First, it was a thrill to hear Mary Matalin and the wicked humor of her husband, James Carville. As local residents they brought the reality of the difficult situation they are facing, but they also brought their appreciation of libraries. Mr. Carville recalled the profound effect of To Kill a Mockingbird on his life, saying that he would be a different person without the book mobile that came every two weeks.

Another highlight for me was hearing Mary Ellen Bates speak about Web 2.0 and personal branding issues. Her words changed the way I feel about social networking: I immediately revisited my privacy settings, cleaned up my online presence, and started tweeting. Check out Ms. Bates’ extras page at

Finally, I very much enjoyed hearing Nicholas Carr’s poignant and thought-provoking discussion of our immersion in technology and its distractions. There is definitely a “dark-side” to all of this and as information professionals we need to think about the ramifications. I look forward to reading The Shallows (on my Kindle). And no, the irony of watching Mr. Carr speak about these issues while virtual attendees tweeted and chatted online was not lost on us.

I recommend virtual conference to everyone who cannot attend in person and I am sure I will be attending more in the future. Contrary to what some may think, virtual networking definitely took place and I look forward to meeting several southern California members at face-to-face events in the near future. Thanks again to SLA-SCC and everyone who made the Virtual Component happen.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Westwood networking lunch, July 29th.

Let's hit the westside for lunch! Alison Becker, from UCLA Development Research, will be hosting us for a networking lunch at the Hammer Museum in Westwood, on July 29th at 12:30pm.

There's a courtyard inside the building, with lots of seating and a very nice café:, including menu. You can bring lunch or order from the café. It's pay when you order, so no need to worry about separate checks!

Parking is available under the Museum. Rates are $3 for the first three hours with Museum stamp. You can also get there via Metro, Big Blue Bus, or the Culver City Bus. More info and maps here:

The Museum offers free admission on Thursdays, so after lunching with colleagues, you can also check out the exhibits.

Sound like fun to you? It does to me. I hope to see you all in Westwood soon. Let me know if you plan to attend:


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Conference report #2

And now a report from a virtual conference attendee, Michele Fricke.

My impressions of SLA 2010 Annual Conference Virtual Component

Being at a conference and interacting with one’s peers can not be replicated; however I am now convinced “being there” virtually is an effective alternative. I thank you for the opportunity to participate in the SLA Annual Conference as a virtual attendee.

It was an engaging adventure to interact with other virtual participants by chat, along with the tweets, real time presentations and audience participation happening all at once. This gave the experience much more relevance and meaning than just downloading an audio or video recording after the event.

Having superb tech assistance was appreciated since this was my first journey into a virtual world. Virtual participants walked around the rooms, clapped for the presenters, and had a final dance at the end of the Closing General Session. As an online University of Washington MLIS student, I’ve worked with other students and instructors through virtual meeting rooms and similar communication tools. Wonderful collaborations can be accomplished with these tools and the virtual conference environment proved to be just as effective.

There were a few minor technological glitches that were quickly solved by the tech facilitators. Spending so much concentrated time “at the conference” while being engaged in my regular life posed a few interruptions, but overall it was a very positive experience.

Patrick Lamb outlined how the knowledge management profession is changing. He discussed the various knowledge archetypes and associated competencies as a way to prevent lagging behind the sliding scale of real time. The perspectives of the Competitive Intelligence experts were interesting. Nicholas Carr gave some great insight with what the internet is doing to our brains. He advocates for awareness and balance rather than radically departing from the technologies that engulf society today.

I hope the virtual conference experience was as positive for the other 101 attendees as it was for me so that future conferences will offer the virtual component with more presentations and meetings with diverse topic choices. I look forward to meeting many SLA members as I become more involved in this chapter.

-Michele McKinnon Fricke

Thank you Michele! It sounds like the virtual conference was a very worthwhile experience.

Stay tuned, we have more reports on the way.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Call for Nominations - 2011 Southern California Chapter Offices

Your SLA Southern California Chapter is now accepting nominations for the following Executive Board offices to serve in 2011:
  • President-Elect
  • Treasurer
  • Communications Director
  • Director-at-Large
Take this opportunity for career advancement by developing your leadership skills; connecting with new and old friends; and, helping guide SLA into its next century. Office overviews are below along with links to the more comprehensive office descriptions available on the Chapter Practices. You may nominate others or yourself.

Nominations for the 2011 slate of officers will be accepted July 12 – August 2, 2010.

To nominate an individual, send a message to this year’s Nominations & Elections Committee Chair, David Cappoli –

Nominees will be expected to provide a review of past service to SLA and other professional organizations, as well as a statement on why they are running for a Chapter office.

Please note: The final slate of candidates is determined by the Nominations & Elections Committee in consultation with the Executive Board. Nominations do not guarantee a place on the slate of candidates.

SLA Southern California Chapter’s Organizational Structure

Office descriptions

President-Elect (currently held by Robin Dodge): The President-Elect oversees Chapter programming during his/her term, and coordinates activities with the Chapter's Professional Development Program Chair and the Sternheim Scholarship Fundraiser Chair so as not to have conflicting programs for proposed event dates. The President-Elect also works with the Vendor Relations Chair who may be able to identify vendors to provide financial support for programs.

The President-Elect is expected to participate in SLA’s Leadership Development Institute held each January and the annual conference held every June. The Chapter provides supplemental funding to help defray travel costs for the President-Elect to both the winter meeting and the conference.

Complete office description

Treasurer (currently held by Bill Lee):
The Treasurer serves as a member of the Executive Board, and maintains all financial records of the Chapter in accordance with Association Practices and submits required reports to the Association office accurately and on time. S/he reports on the fiscal condition of the Chapter to the Executive Board at each Board meeting, with formal written reports to be submitted to the Board at least twice during the year, and prepares the budget with the President for Board approval at the first Board meeting of each new fiscal year.

Complete office description

Communications Director (currently held by Jackie Prentice): The Communications Director oversees the work of the Web Site Administrator, the Discussion List Administrator, who is responsible for the Chapter's discussion list, the Calendar Editor, the Blog - Newsletter Editor, and the Jobs Board Editor.

Complete office description

Director-at-Large (currently held by Holly Lutkenhouse):
The Director-at-Large is an elected office which regularly reports on Chapter membership; greet new members via a welcoming e-mail message; and, assists with Chapter surveys.

Complete office description

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Join us on Facebook!

The SLA-SCC has it's very own group on Facebook. Come on over and join us.!/group.php?gid=101467813241595

While you're at it, join our Linkedin group if you haven't already:

See you online!


Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Orleans Conference report #1.

Kicking off our series of conference reports is Bill Lee, Southern California Chapter Treasurer, and part-time gator wrangler.

Bill, wrestling gators.

It was the best of times and the worst of times. At least that’s what Janice LaChance, the CEO of SLA, told us at the closing session for the 2010 annual conference. We had a great time meeting with colleagues, networking, and viewing the vendor booths. The West Coast chapters put on a fantastic well-received reception at the Louisiana Supreme Court. The New Orleans Convention Center was so huge that most of the meetings were held in the one hall. This was the first time there were virtual conference attendees, 101, in all. The food, as one would have expected, was beyond description. This is a town based on, and proud of, the tourist experience. We were told stories of epic heroism and the capacity to rebound from tragedy. One of our own, Richard Hulser, won an SLA Member Achievement Award. Sara Tompson was busy with her campaign for the Board of Directors. The conference opening day speakers, James Carville, and Mary Matalin, were literally ripped out of the headlines. It was interesting seeing them on CNN two days later repeating some of their conference opening night comments on the big oil spill. It was if we were insiders. The closing speaker, Nicholas Carr, warned us of the dangers of multi-tasking, especially on the internet.

However, in the chapter meeting, held very late Tuesday afternoon, and repeated at the closing session, it was a different story. First revealed at the January Leadership Meeting, the association is losing money. They say all associations are in the same situation, attendance at annual conferences are down. Money is tight, and many of the Continuing Education courses were canceled. There were a lot of “ticketed events” which were not included in the already steep conference fees. The 2009 centennial convention provided half the annual revenue and was one-third of the annual expense. SLA Headquarters has had to lay off five employees in 2010, eight in 2009, for a total reduction in staff of thirty percent. Revenues are $1.2 million less than anticipated. They have now tapped into long term resources, and had to take out a line of credit. The association treasurer, Dan Trefethen, explained this is typical in the business world, but the first time in the association's history. Headquarters promises that there will be no reduction in services that the typical member will notice. They have reduced the budget to match 2009 revenue. There is a discussion of further tiered memberships. There is discussion about having joint meetings with “closely-related" professionals. They continue to promote the results of the alignment study. There are 900 members that pay $40.00 per year for their membership. Headquarters is looking at a new alignment and new revenue sources.
In short, we all had a great time at the annual conference and they remind us that the association is dependent upon the annual conference, but they admit annual conferences may be a thing of the past, and heartily encourage you to attend the next one, in Philadelphia, for your sake and the association’s sake.

-Bill Lee
July 2010

On a related note, I've added a few photos to the slideshow, and changed the format a bit. Take another look!

Stay tuned for more conference reports from our virtual attendees.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Important announcement about the GIA Tour.

We have reached capacity for the GIA Tour. The library is small so we have to keep the group fairly small as well. If you have received an email from me, your RSVP is confirmed, except for a couple folks who RSVP'd at the last happy hour. Please email me at so I have your email address.

I'll be creating a waiting list for this tour, in case any of our confirmed RSVPs decide they can't make it, or in case there's just a couple more interested, and then maybe we can just squeeze you in. Email me if you want to be put on the waiting list.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Photos from New Orleans

Here's a few photos from New Orleans. Thanks to all who contributed, and a very special thanks to Georgia Chadwick and Jason Kruppa of the Law Library of Louisiana for sending us Jason's photos of the West Coast Reception. If you have photos to share, I'd be happy to add them. Send them to

Conference reports to follow in the next few days.
