Thursday, September 23, 2010

Register now for the Sternheim Scholarship Fundraiser!

The Southern California Chapter of the
Special Libraries Association is proud to sponsor

An Evening at the Los Angeles County
Arboretum & Botanic Garden

Sunday, October 17, 2010
5:00pm to 8:00pm
301 North Baldwin Avenue
Arcadia, CA, 91007
Come watch the peacocks while enjoying a wine tasting and appetizers
Plus, raffles with great prizes throughout the evening

Check-in at the Arboretum Library 5:00 - 5:30pm
Minimum donation is $50.00/Student donation is $25
Proceeds to benefit

The Karen Sternheim Memorial Scholarship
This memorial scholarship was established to provide assistance to a student enrolled in a graduate master’s degree program in library and information studies who intends to pursue a career in special librarianship.

An Evening at the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Gardens

Reservations/Information: Robin Dodge at, 213-624-1200 x.3376

Donation Information: Please mail reservations and donations to:
Robin Dodge, FIDM Library, 919 S. Grand Ave, Los Angeles, 90015

Name(s): ________________________________________
Number of tickets: __________________________________
Contact email or phone: _______________________________

Sorry, I will not be able to attend. However, I would like to donate _________ (tax deductible).
Please make checks out to: SLA/SCC and note it is for the “Sternheim Scholarship”
Attendees’ donations in excess of $50 per person are tax deductible.

OR, RSVP via email and pay here via paypal:

$50 donation:

$25 student donation:

Monday, September 20, 2010

Vote for Your Chapter Leaders!

Exercise your SLA Southern California Chapter membership rights and cast your vote for your Chapter leadership, September 20 through October 11, 2010.

Voting is now closed. Thanks to all of the members that participated in this year's elections.

Friday, September 17, 2010

SLA-SCC Mentor Program Open House, September 30th, 6pm.

Please join us for a relaxing evening of networking over a light dinner and wine, to learn about the SLA-SCC Mentor Program. Doris Helfer, winner of the Rose L. Vormeker Award for her "exceptional services in area of mentoring students and/or working professionals" will treat us to an inspiring presentation on Mentoring, and our Mentor Program Chair, Maria Brahme, will be on hand to provide more information about the program. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Have you considered becoming a mentor? Even if you recently started your career, you have something to offer to those who are still in school or recently graduated. Are you a student or recent grad who is looking for a little bit of professional guidance? Let's meet up and get connected! This event is FREE (yes, including dinner! and wine!) and it is open to non-members. In order to become a Mentor, you must become a member of SLA, but non-members are welcome to attend the Open House to learn more about the program and membership. In order to become a Mentee, membership is not required but it is encouraged. There is no need to commit to the Mentor Program to attend this informative session.

The details:

Where: Cal State Northridge Oviatt Library

When: Thursday, September 30th, 6pm.

RSVP:, or on the Facebook group event page.

Directions and parking:
Campus directions:
Campus map:
Go to Information Booth Number 2, located near the corner of Prairie and Darby to get a parking pass ($6). Tell them you want the parking nearest to the library, which is the parking lot right behind the information booth (B4). Or you can locate a student lot, and pay the daily rate from one of the dispensers.

Meeting room info:
Once you enter Oviatt Library, go straight into the big reference/computer room and immediately turn left. Continue to the West Wing and then down the wooden stairway to the Presentation Room. If you can't take the stairs, continue until you get to an elevator on your right and take it down to the Lower Level (LL). There is also an information booth at the entrance and they can direct you to the Presentation Room.

I hope to see some new faces and old friends at what promises to be a fun evening. Please pass this announcement along to your colleagues and anyone who you think might be interested.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Announcing the Nominees for SLA Southern California Elections

SLA Southern California is holding its elections, September 20 - October 11, 2010, and the nominees to fill the following Executive Board offices in 2011 are:
  • President-Elect - William Lee
  • Treasurer - Peter Johnson
  • Communications Director - Lesley Farmer
  • Director-at-Large - Cameron Trowbridge
Ballot and voting information will be e-mailed to all members of the SLA Southern California Chapter on September 20th.

Candidate Information:

William Lee, Candidate for President-Elect
  • SLA member since:
  • Candidate statement (vision, etc.):
I would like the chapter to regain its position as one of the preeminent chapters of the national association. We can do this by increasing the number and activity levels of the members. I would like to see the chapter strengthen its relationship with the student organizations to help current students see the value in joining SLA both as students and as professionals. I want to improve the First Five Program to assist beginning professionals and assure their continued membership. I want to reach out to existing members to increase communication between them and the executive board. I want to do my best to have meetings in as many diverse geographic areas as possible to include members in "outlaying" districts. I want to have fun doing these things.
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter (list year and office or activity):
2006 thru current - Chapter Treasurer
2003 thru current - Discussion list owner
2001 thru 2002 - Communications Chair
1999 thru 2000 - Employment Chair
2000 thru 2001 - Newsletter editor
1990 thru 2000 - Voice of SLA Chapter Jobline
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including divisions (list year and office or activity):
  • Other association activity outside of SLA (list year, association, and office or activity):
  • Current or previous employment (title, organization, and dates):
Solo Librarian
Experian Information Services
Costa Mesa
August 2000 thru November 2008

Librarian 2
Southern California Edison
September 1989 thru August 2000

Librarian/Document Coordinator
While at Fluor, established Technical Library in Saudi Arabia.
Fluor Engineers and Constructors
July 1977 thru September 1989

Various public and academic libraries
1972 thru 1977
  • Personal website or blog (URL):

Peter Johnson, Candidate for Treasurer
  • SLA member since:
  • Candidate statement (vision, etc.):
SLA, and in particular the SCC chapter, are valued and important aspects of my professional life. Having served as treasurer of the News Division for three years, I am pleased to be able to offer these skills to the Southern California Chapter.
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter (list year and office or activity):
Chair, Scholarship Committee, 2008-2010
Member, Scholarship Committee, 2006-2008
Chapter holiday party coordinator, 2009 and 2010
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including divisions (list year and office or activity):
Treasurer, News Division, 2004-2007
A/V Coordinator, News Division, 1996-2003
  • Other association activity outside of SLA (list year, association, and office or activity):
  • Current or previous employment (title, organization, and dates):
Project Manager for Records, Documents & Images
Skirball Cultural Center & Museum
Los Angeles, CA

Consultant in Digital Archiving and Preservation

Reference, graphics and database management librarian
Los Angeles Times
  • Personal website or blog (URL):

Lesley Farmer, Candidate for Communications Director
  • SLA member since:
2002 (also 1974-1975)
  • Candidate statement (vision, etc.):
SLA is only as strong as its membership engagement and contributions, both of which depend on timely and relevant communication. Today’s technology facilitates interactive communication alongside the “traditional” broadcasting of association information. SoCal has the potential to expand participation in chapter activities, enable members to share best practices and research, and help members support each other in dealing with professional issues. In other words, communication should be an ongoing process, not just a periodic product. As Communications Director, I see my role as a coordinator of communication efforts, overseeing and optimizing appropriate communications channels in support of SLA members and their professional growth. Having written, edited, and facilitated organizational and academic communication using a variety of media over the years, I can bring my expertise to Southern California.
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter (list year and office or activity):
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including divisions (list year and office or activity):
Education Division Chair (2007-8)
Education Libraries editor (2003-7)
San Francisco Bay professional devt. Committee planner/presenter (1974-5)
  • Other association activity outside of SLA (list year, association, and office or activity):
Intl. Assn. of School Librarianship VP Assn. Relations 2007-12 and Info Literacy SIG chair 2005-7
IFLA School Libraries Section newsletter editor 2007-
ALA AASL Board 2000-2; ALA YALSA Board 1994-6
Assn. of Library and Info. Science Educators Intl. Ed. SIG chair 2006-9 and Gender Issues SIG chair 2009-11
CUE Library Media SIG chair 1999-2009 and Higher Ed SIG co-chair 2009-11
California Library Assn. newsletter editor/columnist 1992-2002 and info tech chair 1998-2000
California School Library Assn. VP Organization 1998-2001 and tech committee member 2001-11

Frequent presenter for several associations
  • Current or previous employment (title, organization, and dates):
Librarianship Program Coordinator and Professor of Library Media, California State University Long Beach (1999-now)
Teacher Librarian, Tamalpais USD, 1993-1999
Library Director, San Domenico School, 1984-1993
Adjunct Faculty, Univ. of Delaware, 1982-1983
Asst. Professor, Virginia Commonwealth Univ., 1981-2
Media Specialist, Archdiocese of Philadelphia, 1977-81
Librarian/Instructor, Peace Corps, 1975-7
Librarian, Singer Business Machines, 1974-5
Information Specialist, Baltimore Public Library, 1972-3]
  • Personal website or blog (URL):

Cameron Trowbridge, Candidate for Director-at-Large
  • SLA member since:
  • Candidate statement (vision, etc.):
I believe my active participation as an officer in SLA’s Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division for the past six years has more than prepared me to fulfill the duties of Director-at-Large for the Southern California Chapter. If elected, I look forward to the opportunity to become more engaged with SLA-SCC through regular involvement with Chapter membership activities.
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in the SLA Southern California Chapter (list year and office or activity):
  • Previous board or committee office or activity in SLA, including divisions (list year and office or activity):
Communications Team Leader, Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division (Current)
Past-chair, Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division (2008/09)
Chair, Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division (2007/08)
Chair-elect, Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division (2006/2007)
Bulletin Editor, Museum, Arts, and Humanities Division (2005/2006)
  • Other association activity outside of SLA (list year, association, and office or activity):
  • Current or previous employment (title, organization, and dates):
Manager, Research Services and Information Center
The Getty Conservation Institute
Los Angeles
  • Personal website or blog (URL):
Profile from The GCI Newsletter (Summer, 2004):

Saturday, September 4, 2010

SLA-SCC Happy Hours and Upcoming Events.

We had a fantastic time at our Downtown LA happy hour.



Many thanks to all those who could make it. Stay tuned to the blog for future happy hours, and possibly a lunchtime bowling event! And lest you think all I do is plan happy hours, rest assured we have some educational and enlightening programs coming up. I hope you've already marked all these events on your calendar: Next up: Career Agility, our Professional Development Workshop. You've already registered, right?

Orange County members, I realize we don't bring programs down your way very often, but in between our visits you might want to check out the new social group created by SLA-SCC member Liz Yeh, called the Orange County Libations Club. We co-hosted a dinner in the OC recently and a fantastic time was had by all. What a great group of folks. You can find them on Facebook at this address:!/group.php?gid=129537707091007. I'm sure we will be cohosting many more events in the OC with this fun group.

See you all soon.
