Friday, September 17, 2010

SLA-SCC Mentor Program Open House, September 30th, 6pm.

Please join us for a relaxing evening of networking over a light dinner and wine, to learn about the SLA-SCC Mentor Program. Doris Helfer, winner of the Rose L. Vormeker Award for her "exceptional services in area of mentoring students and/or working professionals" will treat us to an inspiring presentation on Mentoring, and our Mentor Program Chair, Maria Brahme, will be on hand to provide more information about the program. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Have you considered becoming a mentor? Even if you recently started your career, you have something to offer to those who are still in school or recently graduated. Are you a student or recent grad who is looking for a little bit of professional guidance? Let's meet up and get connected! This event is FREE (yes, including dinner! and wine!) and it is open to non-members. In order to become a Mentor, you must become a member of SLA, but non-members are welcome to attend the Open House to learn more about the program and membership. In order to become a Mentee, membership is not required but it is encouraged. There is no need to commit to the Mentor Program to attend this informative session.

The details:

Where: Cal State Northridge Oviatt Library

When: Thursday, September 30th, 6pm.

RSVP:, or on the Facebook group event page.

Directions and parking:
Campus directions:
Campus map:
Go to Information Booth Number 2, located near the corner of Prairie and Darby to get a parking pass ($6). Tell them you want the parking nearest to the library, which is the parking lot right behind the information booth (B4). Or you can locate a student lot, and pay the daily rate from one of the dispensers.

Meeting room info:
Once you enter Oviatt Library, go straight into the big reference/computer room and immediately turn left. Continue to the West Wing and then down the wooden stairway to the Presentation Room. If you can't take the stairs, continue until you get to an elevator on your right and take it down to the Lower Level (LL). There is also an information booth at the entrance and they can direct you to the Presentation Room.

I hope to see some new faces and old friends at what promises to be a fun evening. Please pass this announcement along to your colleagues and anyone who you think might be interested.

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