Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sternheim Fundraiser wrap-up.

It was a dark and drizzly day at the Arboretum, but nothing could stop us from having a fantastic time at the Sternheim Fundraiser. We moved the event inside the cozy Peacock Cafe and enjoyed our wine and appetizers in good company. We even ventured out into the weather for a brisk walk through the gardens and a tour of the Arboretum Library, led by Arboretum Librarian Susan Eubank. We were very fortunate to have several VIPs in attendance. Karen Sternheim's parents, Jesse and Shirley Gersten, as well as her husband, Harvey Sternheim, touched our hearts with their memories of Karen and their commitment to the Sternheim Scholarship Fund. We were also introduced to the very deserving 2010 Sternheim Scholarship award winner Ashley Sands, who told us a bit about her exciting work as an archeologist.

Some pictures of the evening are here:

And more pictures, from Sara Tompson, are here:

It takes a village to pull together an event like this. Thank you to all who attended. Your support of the scholarship fund is invaluable. I want to offer a special thank-you to my unofficial scholarship committee who volunteered either time or resources or both to the cause:

Drea Douglas
Joyce Hardy
Bill Lee
Susan Eubank

And to our Scholarship Committee for doing such a great job selecting the best candidate:

Peter Johnson (Chair)
Rita Costello
Keith Gurtzweiler
Victoria McCargar
Norah Xiao
Emi Yoshida

The fundraiser would be impossible without a lively raffle and silent auction, made possible by these folks:

Teresa Bailey
David Cappoli
Rachel Clarke
Rita Costello
Glen Gustafson
Peter Johnson
Bill Lee
Mary Sohn Lee
Kathleen McElhinney
Sara Tompson

Thank you all for making it a very memorable event. See you at the next one!


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